Tuesday, October 26, 2004

How Would Jesus Vote?

Two candidates, neither perfect, both promising more than they can deliver, both vehemently urging you to vote for them. For whom should you vote? How would Jesus vote?

The incumbent, President George W. Bush, has shared his core values openly. Some would say his proposed funding of faith-based institutions out of public taxes crosses the divide of separation between church and state. He has declared war on another country, which hardly seems the Christian thing to do. But, in spite of all this, his core values are very closely linked with the teachings of Christ. When asked about his beliefs, he readily conceded on talk shows that Jesus delivered him from a life of alcoholic dissipation and disillusionment. Dr. Billy Graham attests to influencing him to Christ. In the third debate, he gave unequivocable testimony to a deep faith in Christ.

He is clearly anti-abortion, as Jesus would surely be (Psalm 139: 13-16). Thank God he stands opposed to same-sex marriage, possibly the worst antibiblical development in our society in recent times (cf. Romans 1: 21-32). He concedes that he prays a lot (as Jesus did), especially before major decisions. He's old fashioned on values, refreshingly different from Hollywood, thank God. Apparently the White House shuts down around 10:30 p.m. and the President goes to bed with his wife (not someone else!) What a great example for all America to follow. Laura Bush, the U.S. first lady, emits Christian vibes wherever she goes.

Senator John Kerry, who dearly desires to be President (I predict he won't make it and that Bush will win handily), might well be nicknamed, "Mr. Flipflop". His voting record in the senate hardly reveals a man who can make up his mind about anything for long. Easily influenced by others (where votes are at stake), he flipflops all over the place. Jesus was not like that. He stood firmly for his convictions even when the cross stared him in the face. On the question of whether homosexuality was something one is born with or not, Kerry came down on the side of the many who would excuse homosexuality on the basis of birth. Since there is no credible scientific proof for such a viewpoint, however, and holding such a view would blame God for this aberration ("God made me like this"), Jesus would have us stand against this abnormality and excuse for sin. Here again the principle applies, "Love the sinner but not his sin". In his effort to gain political mileage over such a debated and sensitive topic John Kerry used the vice-president's daughter as an example (what low blow!). As one would expect, Kerry is for same-sex marriages, a development in our society which has the power to tear the family fabric apart to the detriment of our whole way of life. One even wonders how Kerry can really feel for the middle and lower classes when he has close to a billion dollars at his disposal through his wife's inheritance. Jesus who only owned the robe on His back when He died was in a totally different arena when He spoke to the poor and addressed their needs.

So, on November 2nd, whatever you do vote! I think through this article it is clear how Jesus would vote. Perhaps this will help guide you when casting your vote next Tuesday, too. God bless you and God bless America at this strategic and difficult time.


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