Saturday, December 11, 2004

Calling Wrong Right!

In several places in the Bible, the last days are set forth as times when people will call what is wrong right. Surely we are living in such days here in Canada right now. No matter how loudly we herald it from the roof-tops or through our mass media,however, nothing will ever make homosexuality right. Our gay friends right now are trying to normalize what is not normal through pushing through gay rights in the concept of same-sex marriage.
Unfortunately, our judicial system here in Canada has gone right along with their false premises and are now, by the Canadian Supreme Court's latest ruling, forcing the electorate to accept same-sex marriage as normal and right. I used to say to my children when they would talk about participating in something that was not right and quip, "But everybody's doing it, dad!", "Although everyone says its right, kids, if God says it's wrong, it's wrong!!"
Such is the case with homosexuality and same-sex marriages. The evidence in the Bible (which, thank God, cannot be altered) could not be clearer. Romans 1:16-32, I Corinthians 6: 9-11, etc. categorically indicate that homosexuality is an affront to a holy God. It is unnatural, contrary to the way God has made us (male and female). No amount of government legislation or church resolutions can change this. No one is born a homosexual. One may become predisposed to preference for the same sex very early in one's life, but God did not make the person that way! Homosexuality is wrong.
To say all this is not to say that Christians should hate or even shun homosexuals. Love and compassion must be extended to them by God's people, for their's is a hard row to walk. All societal studies indicate that in every way life is greatly complicated when one endorses a homosexual lifestyle. Suicide rates among young homosexuals are much higher than among the normal population. Though a same-sex couple cannot have children in the normal fashion, by artificial insemination, adoption, etc. children may come to a homosexual couple. This does not guarantee that such children will not be teased, laughed at, or even spurned when it is learned that they have "two moms" or "two dads". What a life of sexual uncertainty and misgivings await the child of such a union. Homosexuals need to seek God's forgiveneness and love in Christ and be washed by His regenerating power (I Cor. 6: 11). Then, in Christ, a new life becomes possible and a bright future lies ahead.
So, in conclusion, I was not surprised by the Canadian Supreme Court's ruling on same-sex marriages this past week. What does surprise me is that folk so naively can think that our courts can make wrong right! Never! Never! Never! will this be true. Let God be true and every man a liar if necessary! The Bible indicates clearly that in one's heart one knows that such conduct is wrong and without excuse and will bring about God's judgment. Human courts may try to alter God's moral laws, but man's conscience and sense of right and wrong will continue to cry out against such conduct deep within.
To summarize: ultimately, if such a lifestyle as homosexuality is not repented of and the love of Christ appealed to for forgiveness, cleansing and a new life, the awesome judgment of God Almighty most surely awaits. At God's judgment bar, one will not be held guiltless when one calls wrong right!


Blogger Mark Steele said...

Amen Brother!

I have cross posted your comments on my blog (

December 12, 2004 at 4:58 AM  
Blogger Randy Charles Morin said...

I read the first paragraph and my thoughts became "modern day bigot." Sorry, I didn't read the rest.

December 12, 2004 at 10:23 AM  

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