Nothing Is Impossible With God
When one really thinks about what the angel was saying, one is stirred deeply by this truth. As a solution to the problems of mankind, God sent a helpless baby. Man would have sent armies and weapons of war, but God sent His Son. According to Isaiah 9: 6,7, this fantastic child would be "Immanuel", "God with us"! He would be the Wonderful Counsellor as well as the Mighty God. The force of the original Hebrew is "a warrior God", i.e. one Who goes forth to fight the battles of His people and give them victory. He would be the "Everlasting Father", the One from Whom all life is derived, the Creator God. And He would be the "Prince Of Peace", the only One Who can bring peace to this war-torn world. One gets the distinct impression that without Him peace is impossible, for Jesus brings peace with God, peace within ourselves and then peace with each other. Isaiah's prophecy makes it clear that as His rule increases in our lives, so His peace will fill our hearts. In other words, peace within is tied to His rule over us. The more we yield to Jesus Christ, the more at peace our hearts will become.
As we face another year, surely the angel's message has relevance for each of us. We will be confronted possibly with: illness, death of loved ones, financial reverses, the pain of loneliness, and disppointments. For many, the hymn, "Just As I Am" is so
appropriate: "Just as I am, tho' tossed about,
With many a conflict, many a doubt..
Fightings within and fears without,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come."
Come to Jesus, just as you are. Give Him your worries, cares, weaknesses and sins. He is God of the impossible. When you come to the door of another year, like the rest of us you will not know the future. But you can do no better than to put your hand into the hand of God and walk fearlessly into the future with the One Who knows the future. With Jesus near, you need never fear. After all, "With God nothing shall be impossible!"