Monday, April 25, 2005

Something's Rotten In Denmark

As an honest Canadian, I've been trying to put together what is coming to light from the Sponsorship Commission under justice Gomery. It should be noted that such corruption is rampant in many countries around the globe. There are places where without bribery of officials one can get nothing done in the business of government. But for this to be happening in Canada is lamentable.

One wonders from what is whispered about Quebec dealings, if bribery and corruption are not the way much gets done in Quebec both federally and provincially. The bribes and corruption under Duplessis were taunted all over Quebec. Many of us remember the financial sinkhole the Olympic Stadium became because of graft and underhanded dealings. The final bill was ten times what it intially was projected to be and the public in different ways are still paying for this monument to graft and corruption. Apparently the P.Q., while in office, made it a practice to smooth palms with government money whenever contracts were given out, too. Their Ottawa cousins, the Bloc Quebecois, really have nothing to be proud of in this area. They should turn red and keep their mouths shut! My mother taught me that people in glass houses should not throw stones! Why, then, should we be alarmed that under Prime Minister Chretien the ways that he learned from politics as a youth were reflected in the sponsorship set-up and how these millions were dispensed.

It is very hard for me to imagine that Prime Minister Martin knew little of what was going on when he was the Finance Minister at the time. Recently, he has at least apologized for his negligence while at the financial helm of the country. Would that Chretien would apologize to the Canadian people as well instead of showing the commission his private collection of golf balls!! What an insult!

Will this unmasking of "rottenness in Denmark" bring about the downfall of our federal minority Liberal government. It would not surprise me if it did. In fact, in some ways I would be happy to see the government fall. Contrary to what many of us hoped, our Prime Minister and his justice minister have espoused same-sex marriage and brought in a marriage bill that would enshrine such unions in the laws of our country. If the government falls suddenly before this bill can be fully passed by Parliament, it would die on the docket. Praise the Lord if that should happen. Perhaps this is the only way the governing Liberals will listen to an overwhelming majority of Canadians on this issue. A new parliament may bring a bill that will preserve marriage in Canada as it has always been, the union between one man and one woman.

Perhaps what happened through Watergate and its revelations in the U.S.A. (namely, the curbing of absolute power in America) will happen here. We can only hope and pray that the Gomery Commission will be stern enough to result ultimately in the prosecution of those in high places who are at fault here (the Prime Minister has promised this). In the future, such corruption may be much less probable than it has been up to now. So, while we weep over what is coming to light right now, we can pray that it will make politicians and others think twice before they gorge themselves so geedily at the trough of public finances!

The way our politicans can avoid all this moral filth is to follow what David said in Psalm 16: 8 "Ï have set the Lord always before me; because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken." Our Lord Jesus put it so well when he admonished, "Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you" (Matthew 6: 33). Pray for our politicians earnestly and regularly. God bless Canada!

In conclusion, let me say that it is not my intention to single out Quebec in this article. Doubtlessly corruption, nepotism and patronage (for example, appointments to the Senate) exist right across our country. There needs to be a concerted effort not only in Quebec but other provinces, too, to put an abrupt end to such shady dealings by our elected officials. The Sponsorship Scandal, I fully agree, is not really a Quebec scandal, but a Liberal scandal in Quebec. God bless our Quebec fellow Canadians and make them more fully than ever an inseparable part of the Canadian fabric. They hide their heads in shame because of this scandal. One Quebecer said to me recently that she thought she would start saying she was from Europe rather than from Quebec. My heart goes out to her since Quebec is such a great and beautiful province (La Belle Province). May the Lord be with the many in Quebec who would never stoop to corruption, graft or patronage. We love them as fellow Canadians and pray for their prosperity.


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